Matthew was once a Jewish tax collector. He had been hired by the Romans who controlled the land to collect taxes from his own people. Matthew soon learned he could make a lot of money…and a lot of enemies…with the authority of the Roman government behind him it was easy to charge higher taxes and pocket the difference. He was rich but
spiritually bankrupt.
Busy at his work one day, he looked up to see Jesus… Follow me, Jesus told him. Incredibly Matthew did… He left it all…his work…his money…his position with the Romans… to become one of those who later became known as the 12 disciples.
The birth of Jesus
Wise men visit baby Jesus
Jesus family escapes to Egypt, then returns
John the Baptist prepares the way for Jesus
Satan tempts Jesus
Jesus begins His ministry; four fishermen follow Him
Jesus teaches on a hillside
Jesus sends demons into a herd of pigs
Jesus eats with sinners at Matthew’s house
Jesus heals a bleeding woman
Jesus restores a girl to life
Religious leaders criticize Jesus
Jesus tells many parables
Jesus feeds 5,000
Jesus walks on water
Peter says that Jesus is the Messiah
Jesus talks about serving others
Jesus heals a blind man
Jesus enters Jerusalem on a donkey and clears the Temple
Jesus answers questions about paying taxes
Jesus talks about the future
Jesus talks about the final judgement
Judas and the religious leaders plot against Jesus
The Last Supper
Peter denies Jesus
Jesus is crucified
Jesus rises from the dead
Mark is a book of miracles and action stories that proved beyond a doubt that Jesus was not a mere man. Only God’s Son could do miracles such as these.
Mark is the shortest of the four Gospels; it focuses on Jesus actions rather than His teachings.
John the Baptist prepares the way for Jesus
Jesus begins His ministry; four fishermen follow
Jesus heals a leper and a paralyzed man
Jesus begins to face opposition
Jesus calms a storm
Jesus sends demons into a herd of pigs
Jesus restores a girl to life
He sends out the 12 disciples
King Herod executes John the Baptist
Jesus feeds 5,000; walks on water
Jesus heals a blind man
Peter says Jesus is the Messiah
Jesus sends demons out of a boy
Jesus teaches about serving others
Jesus enters Jerusalem clears the Temple of merchants
Religious leaders question Jesus
Jesus talks about the end times
Judas agrees to betray Jesus
The Last Supper
Jesus is betrayed and arrested
Jesus is tried and convicted
Jesus is crucified and buried
Jesus rises from the dead and appears to His followers
Luke, a compassionate doctor writes about the Great Physician. He takes us into the Savior’s compassion who makes no distinction between man and woman, adult, child, Jew and Gentile, wounded and healthy…
He loves us all. He descended into humanity that we could be saved.
An angel promises the birth of John the Baptist
An angel promises the birth of Jesus
Mary visits Elizabeth; John the Baptist is born
Jesus at the Temple
John the Baptist and Jesus
Satan tempts Jesus
Jesus is rejected in His hometown
A miraculous catch of fish
Jesus heals a leper
Leaders try to find fault with Jesus
Jesus selects 12 disciples
Jesus gives many wise teachings
The faith of a Roman soldier
Jesus raises a widow’s son
A sinful woman anoints Jesus feet
Jesus calms a storm
Jesus sends demons from a boy
The parable of the Good Samaritan
Jesus visits with Mary and Martha
Jesus talks about eternal things
The rich man and the beggar
Jesus heals 10 lepers
Jesus talks about His future kingdom
Zacchaeus meets Jesus
Jesus enters Jerusalem and clears the Temple of merchants
Religious leaders question Jesus
Jesus talks about the future
The Last Supper
Jesus is arrested and tried
Jesus is crucified
Jesus rises from the dead and appears to His followers
John’s purpose was not to write another biography of Jesus life on earth but to reveal Jesus as God’s Son and even God Himself.
God becomes a human being
John the Baptist prepares the way for Jesus
The first disciples follow Jesus
Jesus turns water into wine
Jesus sends merchants away from the Temple
Nicodemus visits Jesus by night
Jesus talks to a woman at the well
Jesus heals a lame man by the pool
Jesus feeds 5,000; walks on water
Religious leaders try to arrest Jesus
Jesus talks about eternal things
Jesus is the Good Shepherd
Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead
Jesus enters Jerusalem on a donkey
The Last Supper
Jesus points the way to God; promises the Holy Spirit
Jesus is arrested and tried
Jesus is crucified and buried
Jesus rises from the dead and appears to his followers
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